
What People Usually Forget To Pack While Moving?

things people forget to pack when moving

Under the stress of the moving, you can forget to pack any of your belongings. The human brain is arranged in that way that the most often used things we do not notice. So if you can be sure not forget to pack your notebook or game console there are tons of little things the absence of which can turn life into hell.

Things People Forget To Pack When Moving.

Here The Top Ten Of The Most Commonly Forgotten Things To Pack:

  • Bathroom or toilet stuff - this is one of the last things to pack because this is the last items you need on the old place and the first thing you may need in the new place. Needless to say, you have to be sure you packed them at the last moment.
  • Documents - no matter how funny it sounds, but in the list of forgotten things, documents occupy one of the leading places. Be sure to collect and secure all needed documents especially those, you need on the first moment in the new place. Check it twice.
  • Hidden valuables - there is no secret that a lot of people prefer to keep valuables near themselves. Very often you forget to check hidden places when packing. Check the hidden places.
  • Loaned things - it will be very useful to sit and think about the items you lent to your friends. This is not a problem if you are moving to the next block, but if you are planning to relocate across the country it much looks that you will never see your stuff again.
  • Medication - prescription medication this is the thing you have to keep along in any situations. mistakes to avoid when movingBetter to pack it in a bag, which you are planning to keep along in a hand luggage.
  • Library Books- the most forgotten items. Usually, people forgot to return library books. Be sure to sort your books and return the borrowed library books to the proper library.
  • Dry Cleaning- check your pockets for dry cleaning tickets. You can't even imagine how many clothes people forget in a dry cleaning. Be sure you took your clothes from dry cleaning and pack it.
  • Phone Books- this is a very important part of your life. It will be wise to bear in mind to keep it and pack it.
  • Keys- this is the very popular thing to forget. It's not easy to remember what key corresponds to which lock, so take them all. You never know when you may need each of them
  • Household plants- the flowers, plants are the items you are able to forget with a big chance. Don't leave them without any care. They will be drained and wither away in your absence.

These things are mostly forgotten when packing. You get used the interior and you and your brain do not pay attention to this details.

How Not Forget To Pack Things?

First of all, you have to create the list of things to pack. For each room, you have to prepare the list of the items you plan to pack. For each of the item, you have to decide the box by size which will be appropriate for this item. More often things are forgotten when packing if you do not structure the list of them by the rooms of using.

Then make a picture of each moving room. Go to the storage and make the picture of the shelves, boxes, containers. Decide the first things to pack when moving. Look at this picture and check your packing list thoroughly.

Be Ready For Packing

things to make sure you packWhen your packing list will be ready you have to be sure that you are prepared for the packing. Boxes, markers, duct tapes are things to make sure you pack your stuff in a very rational and convenient way.

When you begin to prepare for packaging It would be prudent to include a furniture wrap for moving. This is really useful stuff which can be used for packing a lot of things with overall dimensions. Remember if you can't attach something with duct tape you use too little duct tape.

Planning And Scheduling

There are a lot of mistakes you are able to do when you are moving, and the one of the most important is not to leave enough time for packing. This is incredible how often we forget to remember to leave enough time to pack and wrap fragile items, find specialists to disassemble and reassemble furniture. This is obvious, but it will be really wise to pay as much attention for packing as it needs. The list of mistakes to avoid when moving includes a lot of points but the most often we are lack of time.

So, the planning and the time management are the best friends of the successful moving.